Admin Site
Users provisioned with the 'SHA SuperUser' role can use the admin site to view and process online SHA applications. Instructions on how to assign roles can be found here.
Admin Dashboard
This is the dashboard view, in order to enter the service, the user must click the SHA button.
Work List View
Once the user has entered the service the ‘In Progress Applications’ view will be displayed. This view will contain a list of all SHA applications that have been submitted through the public flow.
The Work List (as with all list views in the system) can be filtered depending on an user’s search criteria by typing into the free text area labelled ‘Filter’ which appears under each of the table headings.
Users also have a range of view options for the list views within this service. A user can depict how many table entries they wish to view on one page by clicking the buttons highlighted below. Pages can be traversed using the ‘Next’ and ‘Back’ buttons.
All applications in 'In Progress' grid will have a 'View Detail' button.
Application Details View
To view an application, click the 'View Detail' button; this will open the ‘Details View.’
The Details View has three navigation buttons:
- Submission Details
- Documents
- Action History.
Submission Details
This screen presents the user with the application submission details.
This screen displays the documents uploaded by the applicant during submission of the online form. To open these documents, click the view icon button.
This screen facilitates admin to upload documentation. To upload a file, click on the appropriate 'Upload' button.
To successfully upload a SHA Document the PDF must contain the SHAOLN number text field
i.e. SHOALN_0, SHOALN_1 etc.
If the field is missing, the file will not be uploaded and the following message will be displayed: "This is not a SHA template. Please obtain a SHA from DAERA."
Action History
Read Only - This screen will display all the actions performed against this application; it will include the user who performed the action, action description, date and time.
Processing an Application (In Progress Applications)
There are currently three actions buttons displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Add Comment - This button enables admin to add a general comment
View Transactions - This button will navigate the user back to the 'In Progress Applications' view.
Submit to Certifying Officer - This button will enable admin to submit the transaction to a certifying officer for processing.
Add Comment
Upon clicking this button the user will be presented with a modal containing a free text field to allow admin to record general comments against a transaction.
Comments added here will appear as an entry in the Action History tab.
View Transactions
Clicking the 'View Transactions' button will return the user to the 'In Progress Applications' list view.
Submission to Certifying Officer
Upon clicking this button the user will be presented with a modal containing a dropdown list of configured Certifying Officers and an optional free text field for the user to add additional information to be sent to the CO.
An entry will display in the Action History tab to detail this transaction event.
Once a DAERA admin has assigned an application to a Certifying Officer the 'Status' in the Submission details will display as 'Submitted to Certifying Officer.
The transaction will now be displayed in the 'Submitted to CO' list view.
An automated email will be sent to the selected Certifying Officer, notifying them that a Support Attestation Application has been allocated to them for processing.
Completing an Application (Submitted to CO)
To complete an application, view the 'Submitted to CO' list view and click 'Mark as Complete.'
An application can also be completed by clicking 'View Detail' and using the 'Complete' button displayed at the bottom of the details view.
Clicking either 'Complete' button will launch a modal, it is mandatory for the user to enter a comment before the application can be set to 'Complete.'
Once the application is completed, it will no longer be displayed in the 'Submitted to CO' grid view as it will have moved to the 'Processed Applications' grid view.
Processed Applications
Applications displayed in this grid view will all display a status of 'Complete.' These applications are read only and no further actions can be carried out by DAERA admin.
To enter the read only application click the 'View Detail' button.
In the Admin view, a list of private vets will be displayed to the user. This is the list of private vet's which is displayed on the public STV flow drop down list.
To edit a private vet's details, click the green 'Edit' button.
To delete a private vet from the list, click the red 'Bin' icon button.
To add a New Veterinary Practice, click the 'Add New Veterinary Practice' button - This will launch a modal, enter the 'Veterinary Practice' name and 'Email Address' and click 'Save.' This new saved entry will now display in the dropdown list for Private Vets (STV public flow)