Release 4.2.0
New Features
The first two items are the remaining features of F001 ( F001_1 Release 4.1.0)
F001_2 - Displaying the login ID on the Admin UI
The login id will now be visible on the Admin UI in several places.
Firstly in the Message Grid
On Send Message, when Authenticated user is selected
and on the message details of a received message
F001_3 - allow admin user to set the loginID.
This allows the Admin to change the name of the LoginID display name. In static manager - the Login Id display Name can be viewed and edited
When Edit is selected the text in the bottom box - will be the display name in the columns/views. In our instance we have called it the Recipient PartyID
The value displayed in the Recipient PartyID field in the UI will depend on the Claim being used to match ( see changes F001_1)
The claim value can be set to email or PartyId - via the claim value item in static data. If set to PartyID, the loginId will be displayed rather than the email address.
F007 - Nested message view
The dashboard will now display messages in both the traditional Message view (single message) and the Conversation view. The user can choose which to display. The messages will display in the most recently received order - ie newest messages received first. In conversation view the user can expand the message to view all messages in the conversational trail.
Bug Fixes
- FD#4845 Attachments missing from API Responses
- Internal Server Error when sending SM with Attachment